The holidays are here! In Thailand it’s a bit weird to see Christmas decorations and advertising for Toffee nut latte’s outside of starbucks when it’s 90 degrees outside and there’s sweat rolling down my back. But thankfully the weather took a turn this weekend and dropped to so cold that I was freezing while riding my motorbike even though I was wearing a sweatshirt and two layers underneath! I happily hummed jingle bells as I rode away and the cold weather inspired me to go buy a miniature Christmas tree for my apartment. I decorated it with purple tinsel and a couple ornaments. It now sits in the corner and glows warmly at night and reminds me of seasons past with my family, and comforts me and makes me homesick at the same time.
Last week when my boss invited me to Thanksgiving dinner with his family, it made me SO happy. Because, although I LOVE being here in Thailand, and have many close friends, and people I love, it’s still a little hard around the holidays to be away from family.
Are there people in your community, or on the fringe of your community who may be alone over the holidays? Maybe a student who couldn’t go home? Or an older person who lives alone? Or an international friend who’s never celebrated Thanksgiving or Christmas? This is a great chance to BE a community and invite people into your home, or if you yourself are lacking a place to be, gather those around you who may be in the same situation, and be community and family for each other. Have a great Thanksgiving and share it with someone.