Hi Daddy!
I was reminded of you because of what we're doing tonight. We're taking each of the kids in the safe house out individually, one a night, for date night! They need some special one on one time to know they are loved and special. These kids have come from abusive families and have lived on the street, begged for money, picked through garbage of people's meals to find food. And now they are in a loving home, being well taken care of, fed and clothed and every need provided. They get to go to school and go on fun outings like going to playland and to a waterfall (where we took them last week). They must think they've gone from paupers to princes and princesses. I just read a scripture last night that reminded me of this:
He stoops to look, and he lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes. He gives the barren woman a home so that she becomes a happy mother.
Psalm 113: 6-9
We're taking them to this amazing place that we call the jungle restaurant that has huge jungle trees and vines and curvy paths past a lake. It's a bit like going to disneyland. The kids are each going to receive a gift that encourages them in their interests (art, photography, etc.) that we've noticed in them.
Thanks for all the dates you've taken me on Dad, and for telling me I'm special and encouraging me in my giftings (so I could come here and do this for someone else).
I love you!